Spreading Joy & Uniting Communities

Holy Smoke Comedy!

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. Bring us to your charity or parish event or even a fancy home party for a uniquely Catholic experience.

What we believe in


Join Holy Smoke in the mission of not only a super fun night of laughs & humor that has depth and makes you think but also a lasting cultural impact that encourages the good, the true, and the beautiful. We are edgy yet virtuous. Not sure if comedy is the right fir for your event? Want something a little more dramatic? Check out our Martyr Mystery Interactive Dinner Theater ™

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The Show is hilarious

I thought they were hilarious, A lot of niche Catholic humor (jokes about NFP, ad orientem, Fiducia Supplicans) even my son was laughing, even if it some of it went over his head. Feeney Hall was packed, they had to open up overflow parking. It wasn't like the youth group sketched...good production value

St. Theresa's Parish

Wanted to let y'all know that I really enjoyed the show. I was pleased bring my son who fell from the church in college. ( Please pray for his return.) He needed to know we have a sense of humor.

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